Résultats - 2021 OLY Canada Commission Election
Participation : 235 (10.2%) sur 2295 électeurs ont voté lors de ce scrutin.
Please select one (1) candidate for the "Team Canada Olympians who have retired from sport and have competed in an Olympic Games in the last ten (10) years" category:
Christine Nesbitt | 89 | 37.9%
David Calder | 56 | 23.8%
Andrew Poje | 34 | 14.5%
Danielle Wotherspoon-Gregg | 26 | 11.1%
Donna Vakalis | 24 | 10.2%
Anjelika Reznik | 6 | 2.6%
Please select one (1) candidate for the "Team Canada Olympians who have retired from sport and have not competed in the Olympic Games for a minimum of ten (10) years" category:
Olya Ovtchinnikova | 66 | 28.1%
Claire Carver-Dias | 32 | 13.6%
Laryssa Biesenthal | 25 | 10.6%
Diana Haight Arn | 23 | 9.8%
Geneviève Saumur | 22 | 9.4%
Ruby Richman | 20 | 8.5%
Jacques Cardyn | 16 | 6.8%
Ralph Hutton | 13 | 5.5%
Gordon Bertie | 7 | 3.0%
Jen Yee | 7 | 3.0%
John Kerr | 4 | 1.7%
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